It is with great reluctance that we need to list the Piston Pumps business for sale. Age and health gives us no viable option other than finding a new owner to keep supplying these refurbished units and spare parts to what seems to be an ongoing thirst for them. Yes, all of us realise that piston pumps may be unknown to or out-of-favour with some in the industry, but we have established a solid client base which just keeps on growing. Naturally we will continue to service our loyal customers with both refurbished pumps and spare parts until a sale is achieved.
You don't need any specific skills or qualifications, just common sense and the ability to dismantle, repair and re-assemble the pumps. Should you have machining or lathe skills, that would be of great assistance, but we have made do all these years by outsourcing our technical jobs. Naturally, the bottom line would benefit from being able to do the machining etc inhouse.
The business itself is fully transferable and able to be moved to any new location. Almost all sales are initiated via the website so we are not dependent upon local trade. Most of our pumps are also located and sourced through the internet.
Should any prospective purchaser wish to do so, the current premises would also be made available for purchase or rent as may be required. Our current space allows us to dabble in bric a-brac and this is an option that could easily be enhanced and expanded.
More details can be made available for genuine prospects.
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